About Us Hero Image

Transforming Your Shopping Experience, One Mall At A Time

About US - Mission


Our mission is to build vibrant communities & enhance the quality of lifestyle and shopping experiences in Saudi Arabia

We aspire to create world-class lifestyle centers and vibrant communities in the heart of MENA, ensuring superior consumer brand experiences, on par with global standards of excellence.

Culture & Values

Our key to our success
We strive to create a supportive space that fosters...
...growth, excellence, and success for our staff, business partners, and consumers.
About Us - Delight Customers Icon1
Delight Customers:

We always focus on our customers' needs and wants

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Commit to Deliver​:

We show personal commitment to delivering results

About Us - Execute with Excellence Icon3
Execute with Excellence:

How we work is as important as what we deliver

About Us  - Win Together Icon4
Win Together:

We work together for speed and execute for success 

About Us - Embrace Chane Icon5
Embrace Change:

Have courage to think about and shape a better future

Key Differentiator

  • Key Differentiator - Card 1 Image
    Best International Brands
  • Key Differentiator - Card 2 Image
  • Key Differentiator card 3 image
    Excellent Customer Service
  • Key Differentiator - Card 4 Image
    Rewarding Shopping Experience